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Asset List

This endpoint returns a list of currency details.

Http Request


Request Frequency Restriction:

  • 5times / 1second


pay attention to replace "restful_base_endpoint"

curl --location 'restful_base_endpoint/api/spot/instruments/asset/list'

Request Parameters

Name Type Mandatory Description
currency string NO Crypto currency, such as BTC.

Response fields description

Name Type Description
currency string Crypto currency, such as BTC.
full_name string Crypto currency full name, such as Bitcoin
chains array As follows:
  "chain":"BTC-BRC20(BRC20)", # Block chain name
  "precision":6, # Currency precision
  "fee":"0.0001", # Withdraw fee
  "is_withdraw_enabled":false, # Withdrawable  or not
  "is_deposit_enabled":false, # Deposit or not
  "deposit_min_confirm":20, # Minimum confirmation of blocks
  "withdraw_limit_min":"0.0002" # Minimum withdraw amount in each request

