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Query Order

Get specified order information

Http Request


Request Frequency Restriction:

  • 1times / 1second


pay attention to replace "restful_base_endpoint"、"your_api_key"、"your_signature_result"

curl --location 'restful_base_endpoint/api/v1/spot/order_info?order_id=2526022618780315648' \
--header 'ACCESS-KEY: your_api_key' \
--header 'ACCESS-SIGN: your_signature_result' \
--header 'ACCESS-TIMESTAMP: 1706759792.245' \
--data ''

Request Parameters

Name Type Mandatory Description
order_id string YES order id.

Response fields description

Name Type Description
order_id string order ID
base_ asset string transaction currency, such as BTC
quote_asset string valuation currency, such as usdt
direction string single direction
quantity string order quantity
amount string order amount
filled_amount string transaction amount
taker_fee_rate string taker
maker_fee_rate string maker
order_type string order type limit indicates price limit order
price string order price
status string order status, unsettled: open, complete, cancelled, partially cancelled
order_time string order time
fee string handling fee
trade_pair_name string coin pair name

