Error Codes
USDT Perpetual Error Codes
WebSocket API error codes
Code | Message |
429 | request too much |
10501 | ping timeout |
10502 | request body error |
10503 | unsupported topic |
10504 | not login |
10506 | parameter is error |
10509 | unsupported order book depth |
10510 | incorrect token |
10511 | login timeout |
10500 | system error |
Restful API error codes
- HTTP 4XX error codes are used to indicate wrong request content, behavior, format
- HTTP 429 error code indicates warning access frequency exceeding the limit
- HTTP 5XX error codes are used to indicate problems on the Tapbit service side
- HTTP 504 means that the API server has submitted a request to the business core but failed to get a response. It is important to note that the 504 code does not mean that the request failed, but is unknown. It is very likely that it has been executed, or it may fail to execute, and further confirmation is required.
Code | Message |