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Historical Order List

Get historical order list

Http Request


Request Frequency Restriction:

  • 1times / 1second


pay attention to replace "restful_base_endpoint"、"your_api_key"、"your_signature_result"

curl --location 'restful_base_endpoint/api/v1/spot/closed_order_list?instrument_id=BTC/USDT' \
--header 'ACCESS-KEY: your_api_key' \
--header 'ACCESS-SIGN: your_signature_result' \
--header 'ACCESS-TIMESTAMP: 1706759687.632' \
--data ''

Request Parameters

Name Type Mandatory Description
instrument_id string YES currency pair name, such as BTC/USDT.
next_order_id string NO order ID, which is used in pagination. The default value is empty. The latest 20 pieces of data are returned and displayed in reverse order by order ID. Get the last order Id-1, take the next page of data

Response fields description

Name Type Description
order_id string order ID
base_asset string transaction currency, such as BTC
quote_asset string valuation currency, such as USDT
direction string single direction
quantity string order quantity
filled_quantity string number of transactions
amount string order amount
filled_amount string transaction amount
trade_pair_name string coin pair name
price string order price
status string order status, unsettled: open, complete, cancelled, partially cancelled
order_time string order time
fee string handling fee
taker_fee_rate string taker
maker_fee_rate string maker

