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Place Order

Place Order

Http Request


Request Frequency Restriction:

  • 1times / 1second


pay attention to replace "restful_base_endpoint"、"your_api_key"、"your_signature_result"

curl --location 'restful_base_endpoint/api/v1/spot/order' \
--header 'ACCESS-KEY: your_api_key' \
--header 'ACCESS-SIGN: your_signature_result' \
--header 'ACCESS-TIMESTAMP: 1706758499.918' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{

Request Parameters

Name Type Mandatory Description
instrument_id string YES currency pair, such as BTC/USDT
direction string YES is the direction, direction = 1: buy, direction = 2: sell
price string YES is the order price
quantity string YES is the entrusted quantity

Response fields description

Name Type Description
order_id string order id


    "code": 200,
    "message": null,
    "data": {
        "order_id": "1095374216779427840"